Tri-doshas of Ayurveda:

According to Ayurveda, there are three basic humorous which maintain the health. Any imbalance in these three humors leads to illness. They are Vaata (wind), Pitta (bile) and Kapha (phlegm).

The Vaata element produces windy complaints like neurological disorders, joint pains, etc. The Pitta element is concerned with heat, inflammation, fever, liver and gall bladder problems. The Kapha element is concerned with most of the respiratory ailments, colds, asthma, etc.

The planets and the corresponding tatwas are as follows.

Sun                  Pitta

Moon               Kapha & Vaata

Mars                Pitta

Mercury           All the three

Jupiter             Kapha

Venus              Excess of Vaata & Kapha

Saturn              Vaata



Signs and Body parts:

Mesha              Head

Vrishbha          Face

Mithuna           Shoulders, neck and upper chest

Karka              Heart

Simha              Stomach

Kanya              Umbilical region (waist & intestines)

Tula                 Lower abdomen

Vrischika         Private parts (external genitalia)

Dhanu             Thighs

Makara            Knees

Kumbha          Legs

Meena             Feet


Significations of Houses (Bhavas) related to Medical Astrology:


First house: Head, body in general, hair, appearance, skin, sleep, longevity and old age

Second house: Face, eyes (right eye), teeth, tongue, mouth, nose, speech, nails

Third house: Ears (right ear), throat, shoulders, upper limbs, wind pipe, food pipe, collarbone, mental instability, and physical fitness

Fourth house: Chest, lungs, and blood vessels, brest

Fifth house: Heart, upper abdomen, stomach, liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas, mind, thinking and pregnancy.

Sixth house: Small intestines, appendix, kidney, wounds, general diseases, injury, mental agony, madness, T.B., tumors, small pox, peptic ulcers.

Seventh house: Large intestines, lower urinary track, urinary bladder, uterus, ovaries and testes, semen and sexual union

Eighth house: External generative parts, loss of limbs, chronic or incurable diseases, accidents,

Ninth house: Hips, thighs,

Tenth house: Knee joints, Kneecap,

Eleventh house: Legs, left ear and recovery from disease

Twelfth house: Feet, left eye, disturbed sleep, hospitalization, crippled limbs


Drekkana and parts of the body:

The three Drekkanas represents three divisions of the body. The first one extends from the head to the mouth, the second one from neck to navel, and the third one from the pelvis to the feet. The drekkana of the ascendant indicates the problem in the body region.

1 Head Neck Pelvis
2 Right eye Right shoulder Organ of generation
3 Right ear Right arm Right testicle
4 Right nostril Right side of body Right thigh
5 Right cheek Right side of heart Right knee
6 Right jaw Right lung & breast Right calf
7 Mouth Navel Legs & feet
8 Left jaw Left Lung &breast Left calf
9 Left cheek Left side of heart Left knee
10 Left nostril Left side of body Left thigh
11 Left ear Left arm Left testicle
12 Left eye Left shoulder Anus


When malefic planets occupy a particular drekkana, they cause wounds or ulcers there.


Significations of Planets related to medical astrology:

Sun: Pitta (bilious) temperament, general health, heart, stomach, bones, right eye. Head ache, baldness, fevers and pains, heart trouble, eye diseases, bone disorders, injuries from fall, blood circulations, leprosy.


Moon: Vaata and Kapha temperament. Stability and soundness of mind, fluids in body, blood, left eye. Psychiatric problems, mental aberrations, emotional disturbances, T.B., dropsy, diarrhea, blood poisoning, fear from water and water animals, diseases of Brest and flow of milk. The Moon in collaboration with Mars controls the menstrual cycle of women.


Mars: Pitta (bilious) temperament. Mars has aggressive nature, vigor and vitality. Mars mainly rules over, head and bone marrow. Mars causes accidents, injuries, surgical operations, burns, blood disorders, tissue disruptions, B.P., injury by weapons, aggressive type of mental aberrations, fractures, miscarriages and abortions.

Mercury: Mercury has all the three temperaments (Vaata, Pitta and Khapha). Mercury is concerned with intelligence, capacity of discrimination and reasoning of the person. Mercury rules over skin, throat, nose, and lungs. It signifies mental aberrations, nervous break down, mental instability, mental complexes, abusive language, leucodermia, impotence, ENT related diseases, deafness.


Jupiter: It has Kapha temperament. It rules over liver, gall bladder, spleen, part of the pancreas, fat in the body. Jupiter can cause liver disorders, obesity, fever, fainting, and diabetes. As Jupiter is a slow moving planet, the diseases caused are chronic in nature.


Venus: Venus signifies Vaata and Kapha. It governs the sexual drive in native. Venus rules over, eyesight, seminal fluid, reproductive organs, urinary system, intestines, appendix and part of the pancreas. Venus signifies, hormones, sexual disorders, cataract, venereal diseases, diabetes, stones in the kidney and urinary bladder.


Saturn: Saturn signifies Vaata & Kapha temperaments. As it is the slowest moving planet, the diseases caused are of chronic type. Saturn rules over, legs and feet, nerves. It signifies chronic disorders, insanity, paralysis, elephantiasis, tumors and cancers, mental disorders because of depression and melancholy and stomach troubles.


Rahu: Slowness of action, hiccups, insanity, phobia, chronic boils and ulcers, poisoning, and snakebite.


Ketu: Ketu produces all the diseases signified by Rahu. In addition it leads to diseases like eruptive fevers, viral diseases, intestinal parasites, defects of speech, surgical problems and diagnostic confusion.


Indications for sound health:

The various factors that lead to good health are as follows.

  1. Strong lagna:
    1. Vargottama
    2. Benefic occupation
    3. Benefic aspect
    4. Occupation of lagna lord
    5. Raja yogas in the lagna
  1. Strong lagna lord:
    1. Exalted
    2. Vargottama
    3. In own house
    4. In friend’s house
    5. Placed in Kendra or Kona or 2nd house or 11th house
    6. Associated with or aspected by benefics
    7. Participating in the formation of Raja yoga
  1. Lagna or Lagna lord in subha kartari yoga
  2. Unafflicted Moon
  3. Malefics in 3,6,11 houses
  4. Benefics in Kendras and Konas
  5. Saturn in 8th house
  6. Strong 8th lord
  7. Strong Atma karaka
  8. Placement of Mandi: Mandi in 3,6 or 11th house is good for health, that too when it does not associate with Moon or lagna lord.
  9. 1st and 8th houses in SAV

The above factors indicate sound health. The opposite combinations for the above indicate ill health.


Indications for cure or Recover:

The following factors generally indicate cure or recovery from ill health.

  1. Strong lagna
  2. Strong 6th lord
  3. Favorable dasa
  4. Favorable transit
  5. Jupiter’s aspect: When Jupiter aspects the dasa lord in horoscope or in transit, it favors recovery and good health.

Onset and outcome of disease:

The maha dasa gives a broad timing, the antara dasa narrows it down and the pratyantar dasa indicates the actual precipitation of an event.

When the dasa of a planet adverse to a particular lagna is in operation, it would tend to adversely affect the health of a person. If the MD, AD and PAD lords are in any way connected to lagna or lagna lord, the adverse influence will be more.

Dasa of Trika house lords, planets posited in trik houses, 22nd drekkana lord, 64th navamsa lord are also adverse.

Rahu-Ketu axis falling on lagna or lagna lord or dasa lord is an adverse factor. Benefic influence on lagna or lagna lord or dasa lord decreases or neutralizes the affliction.





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