Here is a list of techniques that you can try and perform to increase your earnings
Drop an empty pitcher in the water on each Wednesday for 6 consecutive Wednesdays. Don’t break the ritual until it’s completed
Have a piece of jaggery every day before you leave the house for work or business. Preferably after you have done your prayers or expressed gratitude for all that you have. This will help you succeed in all your endeavors.
Starting on the first Saturday of Shukla Paksha, distribute poori bhaji to the unprivileged people for 11 Saturdays straight. This will help multiply your income.
If financial hurdles are troubling you especially in matters of real estate and property then for 40 days in a row, throw a square copper piece in a flowing water body
To spike, your regular income, place an iron pot filled with water next to your head before you sleep. Next morning throw away that water making sure that no one uses that water in the house further.
If you are having issues with any sort of authority or govt body then cook fresh rotis using one and a quarter kilogram of wheat flour every Sunday and feed them to a cow


Left hand
Wearing gold in your left hand can create troubles in your life. If you still want to then take advice from an astrologer before you do so.

Don’t wear an anklet or toe rings of gold on your feet this could create health issues.

Where to keep gold
Make sure the gold in your house is kept in the north-eastern direction, in a safe or wardrobe.

Pregnant women
Women who are carrying a baby should not wear too much gold, as that could cause complications.
If you want to conceive
If you are wanting to have a baby but cannot conceive then you should wear gold in the ring finger. It will show its effects slowly by improving your planetary conditions. Pregnant women
Donating gold
Donating gold to a saint or sage helps praise the universal powers. Also do not accept gold from people who are not close to you
Finding and losing gold
Both these conditions are considered unlucky. Losing ab object of gold can cause health problems and getting gold from someone might cause over expenditure.


Kakshya is an important concept in ashtakavarga and is specially applied for pin-pointing the results of transit of planets to a very narrow time period.

In prastara ashtakavarga we have seen that each sign receives benefic points from 8 sources, the 7 planets and ascendant. Thus each sign is divided into 8 parts and each part is called Kakshya. Each Kakshya is ruled by a particular planet and the order of Kakshya lords are Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon and Ascendant. The order of Kakshya lords are in their relative speed in the zodiac starting from Saturn. As the extent of each rasi is 30 degrees, the extent of each Kakshya is 3 degrees 45 minutes.

The number of benefic points in a sign in BAV is the sum total of single bindus contributed by each planet. Prastara ashtakavarga revels which planet has contributed a bindu and which has not.

Principles of Kakshya application:

When a planet transits a sign having high number of bindus in its own BAV gives benefic results pertaining to the house corresponding to the sign.

If the planet is transiting in a Kakshya which is having a bindu, then the auspicious results of the house corresponding to that sign will take place.

When more than one planet are simultaneously transiting in a kakshya having bindu, increasingly goodresults may be predicted.

Conversely, when more planets are transiting in a kakshya having no bindu, such a period may be devastating, specially if the dasa is not favourable.

When the transiting planet and the kakshya lords are friends the results are good.

The transit analysis is more useful for slow moving planets. The average time taken by planets to transit over a kakshya is approximately as follows.

Sun                 3.8 days                     Jupiter            45 days

Moon              6.8 hours                    Venus             3 days

Mars               5 days                         Saturn             112 days

Mercury         2.5 days                     Rahu               70.8 days


SadeSathi: Sadesati is the period when Saturn is transiting in the 12th,1st and 2nd houses from natal Moon. It is commonly considered as dreaded period with troubles and turmoils. But when ever Saturn transits over a kakshya having bindu, in Saturn’s BAV, the results are favourable.

Dasa: Find out the kakshya occupied by these dasa lords in the natal chart. If the kakshya lord has contributed a bindu in the respective dasa lord’s BAV in the sign occupied by dasa lord in the natal chart, then the dasa lord will give benefic results.

Dasalord’s transit: Find out in which kakshya the dasa lord is transiting at present and if the kakshya is having a bindu, the dasa lord will give benefic results.




Tri-doshas of Ayurveda:

According to Ayurveda, there are three basic humorous which maintain the health. Any imbalance in these three humors leads to illness. They are Vaata (wind), Pitta (bile) and Kapha (phlegm).

The Vaata element produces windy complaints like neurological disorders, joint pains, etc. The Pitta element is concerned with heat, inflammation, fever, liver and gall bladder problems. The Kapha element is concerned with most of the respiratory ailments, colds, asthma, etc.

The planets and the corresponding tatwas are as follows.

Sun                  Pitta

Moon               Kapha & Vaata

Mars                Pitta

Mercury           All the three

Jupiter             Kapha

Venus              Excess of Vaata & Kapha

Saturn              Vaata



Signs and Body parts:

Mesha              Head

Vrishbha          Face

Mithuna           Shoulders, neck and upper chest

Karka              Heart

Simha              Stomach

Kanya              Umbilical region (waist & intestines)

Tula                 Lower abdomen

Vrischika         Private parts (external genitalia)

Dhanu             Thighs

Makara            Knees

Kumbha          Legs

Meena             Feet


Significations of Houses (Bhavas) related to Medical Astrology:


First house: Head, body in general, hair, appearance, skin, sleep, longevity and old age

Second house: Face, eyes (right eye), teeth, tongue, mouth, nose, speech, nails

Third house: Ears (right ear), throat, shoulders, upper limbs, wind pipe, food pipe, collarbone, mental instability, and physical fitness

Fourth house: Chest, lungs, and blood vessels, brest

Fifth house: Heart, upper abdomen, stomach, liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas, mind, thinking and pregnancy.

Sixth house: Small intestines, appendix, kidney, wounds, general diseases, injury, mental agony, madness, T.B., tumors, small pox, peptic ulcers.

Seventh house: Large intestines, lower urinary track, urinary bladder, uterus, ovaries and testes, semen and sexual union

Eighth house: External generative parts, loss of limbs, chronic or incurable diseases, accidents,

Ninth house: Hips, thighs,

Tenth house: Knee joints, Kneecap,

Eleventh house: Legs, left ear and recovery from disease

Twelfth house: Feet, left eye, disturbed sleep, hospitalization, crippled limbs


Drekkana and parts of the body:

The three Drekkanas represents three divisions of the body. The first one extends from the head to the mouth, the second one from neck to navel, and the third one from the pelvis to the feet. The drekkana of the ascendant indicates the problem in the body region.

1 Head Neck Pelvis
2 Right eye Right shoulder Organ of generation
3 Right ear Right arm Right testicle
4 Right nostril Right side of body Right thigh
5 Right cheek Right side of heart Right knee
6 Right jaw Right lung & breast Right calf
7 Mouth Navel Legs & feet
8 Left jaw Left Lung &breast Left calf
9 Left cheek Left side of heart Left knee
10 Left nostril Left side of body Left thigh
11 Left ear Left arm Left testicle
12 Left eye Left shoulder Anus


When malefic planets occupy a particular drekkana, they cause wounds or ulcers there.


Significations of Planets related to medical astrology:

Sun: Pitta (bilious) temperament, general health, heart, stomach, bones, right eye. Head ache, baldness, fevers and pains, heart trouble, eye diseases, bone disorders, injuries from fall, blood circulations, leprosy.


Moon: Vaata and Kapha temperament. Stability and soundness of mind, fluids in body, blood, left eye. Psychiatric problems, mental aberrations, emotional disturbances, T.B., dropsy, diarrhea, blood poisoning, fear from water and water animals, diseases of Brest and flow of milk. The Moon in collaboration with Mars controls the menstrual cycle of women.


Mars: Pitta (bilious) temperament. Mars has aggressive nature, vigor and vitality. Mars mainly rules over, head and bone marrow. Mars causes accidents, injuries, surgical operations, burns, blood disorders, tissue disruptions, B.P., injury by weapons, aggressive type of mental aberrations, fractures, miscarriages and abortions.

Mercury: Mercury has all the three temperaments (Vaata, Pitta and Khapha). Mercury is concerned with intelligence, capacity of discrimination and reasoning of the person. Mercury rules over skin, throat, nose, and lungs. It signifies mental aberrations, nervous break down, mental instability, mental complexes, abusive language, leucodermia, impotence, ENT related diseases, deafness.


Jupiter: It has Kapha temperament. It rules over liver, gall bladder, spleen, part of the pancreas, fat in the body. Jupiter can cause liver disorders, obesity, fever, fainting, and diabetes. As Jupiter is a slow moving planet, the diseases caused are chronic in nature.


Venus: Venus signifies Vaata and Kapha. It governs the sexual drive in native. Venus rules over, eyesight, seminal fluid, reproductive organs, urinary system, intestines, appendix and part of the pancreas. Venus signifies, hormones, sexual disorders, cataract, venereal diseases, diabetes, stones in the kidney and urinary bladder.


Saturn: Saturn signifies Vaata & Kapha temperaments. As it is the slowest moving planet, the diseases caused are of chronic type. Saturn rules over, legs and feet, nerves. It signifies chronic disorders, insanity, paralysis, elephantiasis, tumors and cancers, mental disorders because of depression and melancholy and stomach troubles.


Rahu: Slowness of action, hiccups, insanity, phobia, chronic boils and ulcers, poisoning, and snakebite.


Ketu: Ketu produces all the diseases signified by Rahu. In addition it leads to diseases like eruptive fevers, viral diseases, intestinal parasites, defects of speech, surgical problems and diagnostic confusion.


Indications for sound health:

The various factors that lead to good health are as follows.

  1. Strong lagna:
    1. Vargottama
    2. Benefic occupation
    3. Benefic aspect
    4. Occupation of lagna lord
    5. Raja yogas in the lagna
  1. Strong lagna lord:
    1. Exalted
    2. Vargottama
    3. In own house
    4. In friend’s house
    5. Placed in Kendra or Kona or 2nd house or 11th house
    6. Associated with or aspected by benefics
    7. Participating in the formation of Raja yoga
  1. Lagna or Lagna lord in subha kartari yoga
  2. Unafflicted Moon
  3. Malefics in 3,6,11 houses
  4. Benefics in Kendras and Konas
  5. Saturn in 8th house
  6. Strong 8th lord
  7. Strong Atma karaka
  8. Placement of Mandi: Mandi in 3,6 or 11th house is good for health, that too when it does not associate with Moon or lagna lord.
  9. 1st and 8th houses in SAV

The above factors indicate sound health. The opposite combinations for the above indicate ill health.


Indications for cure or Recover:

The following factors generally indicate cure or recovery from ill health.

  1. Strong lagna
  2. Strong 6th lord
  3. Favorable dasa
  4. Favorable transit
  5. Jupiter’s aspect: When Jupiter aspects the dasa lord in horoscope or in transit, it favors recovery and good health.

Onset and outcome of disease:

The maha dasa gives a broad timing, the antara dasa narrows it down and the pratyantar dasa indicates the actual precipitation of an event.

When the dasa of a planet adverse to a particular lagna is in operation, it would tend to adversely affect the health of a person. If the MD, AD and PAD lords are in any way connected to lagna or lagna lord, the adverse influence will be more.

Dasa of Trika house lords, planets posited in trik houses, 22nd drekkana lord, 64th navamsa lord are also adverse.

Rahu-Ketu axis falling on lagna or lagna lord or dasa lord is an adverse factor. Benefic influence on lagna or lagna lord or dasa lord decreases or neutralizes the affliction.






In the horoscope the bhavas are divided into four categories. They are Kendras(1,4,7,10), Panaparas (2,5,8,11) and Apoklimas (3,6,9,12). Kendras represent first part of life Panaparas represent middle part and Apoklimas represent last part of life. Total the number of bindus in the SAV in all the three parts separately. That part of the life will be happy where the number of bindus is more when compared to other parts. Basing on this different yogas are formed in the horoscope.


KAHALA YOGA: (2 < 3 < 1)

If the bindus in the second part is less than third part and the number of bindus in the third are less than first part, Kahala yoga is formed. This yoga gives happiness and prosperity.


MADDALA YOGA: (More bindus in 2nd ):

When the number of bindus are more in second part than first and third parts, Maddala yoga is formed. This yoga gives interest in musical instruments, and happiness in the middle part of the life.


BHERI YOGA: (1=2=3)

If the number of bindus in the three parts are equal, Bheri yoga is formed. This is also called SARVANGA YOGA. This yoga gives happiness through out the life.


DHAMARUKA YOGA: (Less in 2nd )

If the bindus in the second part are less than the first and third parts Dhamaruka yoga is formed. The life will be happy in the first and last phases of life.


VEENA YOGA: (1 >2 <3<1)

When the number of bindus in first part is more than 2nd , the number of bindus in the 2nd are less than 3rd and the number of bindus in 3rd is less than 1st , Veena yoga is formed. This also indicates happiness and prosperity just like Kahala yoga.



When the number of bindus are more than 3rd Iravata yoga is formed.


VAASI YOGA: (1<2=3)

When the number of bindus in first part is less than second part and the number of bindus in the second are equal to third part, VAASI YOGA is formed















BENEFIC POSITION          3          6          10        11

VEDHA POSITION                         9          12        4          5



Transit of Su is considered in all muhurtas involving authority or king, coronation, oath taking, meeting the king and such other occasions. Sun’s transit is also considered in marriage muhurtas.




BENEFIC POSITION          3          6          10        11        1          7

VEDHA POSITION                         9          12        4          8          5          2



Moon’s transit is most important one and is considered in all muhurtas.

In all pre-natal samskaras, marriage, etc this Chandra Balam is to be seen.




BENEFIC POSITION          3          6          11

VEDHA POSITION                         12        9          5


For all activities involving use of force like war, dispute, court cases etc., Mars transit is to be seen. In taking Deeksha and taking Mantra from Guru, Saturn’s transit is to be seen.




BENEFIC POSITION          2          4          6          8          10        11

VEDHA POSITION                         5          3          9          1          8          12

Transit of Mercury is to be seen for all educational muhurtas, muhurtas related to writing, architecture etc.







BENEFIC POSITION          2          5          7          9          11

VEDHA POSITION                         12        4          3          10        8


Transit of Jupiter is considered in marriage, Upanayanam, Vedarambham and all knowledge related samskaras.



BENEFIC POSITION        1          2          3          4          5          8          9     11   12

VEDHA POSITION                         8          7          1          10        9          5          11     3   6


Transit of Venus is to be seen for journey, music, dance, wearing of cloths and ornaments, house related muhurtas and marriage.


The rules framed in Dharma Sastraas are mainly based on the Science of Astrology. The Astrologers should necessarily have the knowledge of these principles.


Prohibited matters after Thread Marriage / Marriage: Nandisradham (Ankurarpana) is regarded as part of both thread marriage / marriage. After performing this ritual till disbursing of Maatrukaas (vessels made of soil or Palikas), kinsmen and relatives shall not perform the following rituals:


The death ceremony observed on every new Moon (Amavasya), annual ceremony, coldwater bath, not to change the thread contrary to it’s original stage, chanting/pronouncing the benediction swadham – daily ceremony, Brahma Yagnam reading Vedas, crossing river, going out of Village, observation of fasting, attending lunch in a death ceremony as an invitee etc.


After performing auspicious ceremonies like marriage, the following are prohibited. Taking bath with clothes on the body, works with til gram accompanying corpse to burial ground, giving away water pot in charity, visiting temples which were not earlier visited up to 6 months, disposing out old articles, overall cleaning of house or construction shall not be undertaken.


Rules of Bridal entry: After marriage, the bride should enter the house before 16 days, in even days or 5th, 7th, 9th day during night in fixed ascendant. Normally, this principle is not followed. Some times, bride enters on the day of marriage. But the entrance is prohibited in Vyatipaata, Vaidhruti, and Vishti Karanams, on consummated day, eclipse, new moon (Amavasya) day, Sankranthi days.


When entry has not taken place before 16 days, the entry should be on odd days in 1st month, next in odd months. If 5 years are over, entry can be on any day. After 16 days,

the constellations viz., Aswini, Rohini, Mrigasira, Pushyami, Makha, Uttra, Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadra, Hasta, Chitta, Swathi, Anuradha, Moola, Sravanam, Dhanista, Revati are good.

Months: Margasira, Magha, Palguna, Vaisakha, Jyesta are good.

Tidhis: Chavithi, Navami, Chaturdasi (Riktha tidhis) are prohibited.


Bride’s 2nd time entry:

Months: Magha, Palguna, Vaisakha, bright half of lunar months are good.

Constellations: Aswini, Rohini, Punarvasu, Pushyami, Uttara trio Anuradha, Jyesta, Hasta, Swathi, Chitta, Sravanam, and Sathabisham are good.


Days: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday are good.

Combusted Jupiter and Venus transit periods are prohibited (within 16 days not observed)

Entry must be in fixed Ascendant.


Pregnant Woman: should not ride on an Elephant, Horse or Vehicle for a journey. The bride shall take all precautionary measures to keep her mind and body along with the child in the womb. She should always be pious with worship of God and reading epics, receiving blessings from Elders.


Husband should fulfill all the desires of the pregnant woman so as to make her deliver a baby having a full longevity. Sea bathing, tree cutting, carrying dead body, going abroad are prohibited. Cutting nails and hair, shaving of hair of child etc. are prohibited.


Prohibited months for a Bride after marriage in In-Law’s house:


Danger to Mother-in-law if bride stays in summer season and Ashadha

Danger to sister’s husband (if older than her) if stays in Jyesta month

Danger to self if stays in consummated month

Danger to husband, if stays in Pushyami month.

There will be danger to father if the bride stays in parents house in the months of Magha and Chaitram.


Rules for Marriage of Uterine:


* Exchange of bride and groom within two families is called as exchange of Pot.

Two Uterine sisters shall not be given in hand to one groom.

  • Two uterine brothers shall not marry two uterine sisters.
  • The marriages of brothers and sisters of same womb cannot be performed within six months. No three auspicious functions shall be made within six months.
  • After conducting major ceremony, minor function shall not be made.
  • In the case of year change, this rule does not apply.
  • Under unavoidable circumstances, the marriages can be performed by either different agencies or by different platforms.Tri Jyeshta:The bride and groom happens to be eldest in their respective families, marriage shall not be performed in the Jyesta Masam. Also if they are united in the Jyesta month it is an evil act. And this happens in the months of other than Jyesta, it is regarded as Dwijyesta. This is medium. If one is elder then, it is auspicious as being termed as Ekajyesta.The boy born in Jyesta month, Jyesta star or elder in the family, the thread marriage shall not be performed in the month of Jyesta.




King: The day lord of Chaitra sudha Padyami is Raja

Mantri: The day lord when Sun enters Aries is Mantri

Arghadhipati: The day lord when Sun enters Gemini is Arghadhipati

Meghadhipati: The day lord when Sun enters Ardra star is Meghadhipati

Sasyadhipati : The day lord when Sun enters Cancer is Sasyadhipati

Senadhipati: The day lord when Sun enters Leo is Senadhipathi

Dhanyadhipati: The day lord when Sun enters Sagittarius is Dhanyadhipathi

Rasadhipati: The day lord when Sun enters Libra is Sasyadhipati

Neerasadhipathi: The day lord when Sun enters Capricorn is Neerasadhipati















(metals & gem stones)





(produce & cereals)







SUN: If the Sun becomes the King, there will be quarrels among kings. Clouds will medium rains. Human beings will be under constant threat from kings, weapons, fire and thieves.

MOON: If the Moon becomes the King, there will be good crop wheat, paddy and sugar cane. People will perform Yagas and study Vedas. Cows give plenty of milk.

MARS: If Mars becomes the King, there will be enmity with the King. There will be fear from fire, thieves and diseases. The lands may become barren with out crops. Snakes will increase and cause agony to the people.

MERCURY: If Mercury becomes the King, there will be speedy powerful winds across the country. There will not be much sexual relations among men and women. There will be scant rainfall resulting in medium yield of crops.

JUPITER: If Jupiter becomes the King, the Brahmins will have interest in religious acts and behave in righteous way. Kings will also follow them in this regard. People will be healthy and happy.

VENUS: If Venus becomes the King, there can be good rains and crops in the country. Cows give plenty of milk. Lovers will be very close to each other with lust and desire.


SATURN:If Saturn becomes the King, people will suffer from thieves, weapons and many other problems. There will be less rainfall and less agricultural produce in the country.



SUN: If Sun becomes the Minister, there will be quarrels among the kings and they may become enemies. There will not be any rainfall. The people will be observing Adharma deeds.


If Moon becomes the minister, there will be good rainfall. There will be good agricultural produce. People will be safe and healthy.



If Mars becomes the minister, there will be fire accidents in the towns, villages and forests. Kings will fight with each other. There will scant rain fall.



If Mercury becomes the minister, there will not be rains as winds clear off the clouds. People will be sinful. There will be medium results in all respects.


If Jupiter becomes the minister, country will be safe. People will lead happy life. The rulers will be helpful and understanding. Rulers will have good ministers who can guide properly.


If Venus becomes the minister, People will be fond of sexual pleasures and always love the company of women. There will be abundant crop. Cows give plenty of milk and good rainfall is possible.


If Saturn becomes the minister, there will be scanty rainfall and medium crops. People will face problems as they involve in bad deeds.


Same planet as King and Minister:

If a planet becomes both King and Minister in the year, the kings in the country will face problems through out the year. People will suffer from fire and thieves.





If Sun becomes the Chief of Army, kings will fight with each other to prove their supremacy. There will be less rainfall but the crops of red grains will be much.


If Moon becomes the Chief of Army, there will be too much rainfall. Prices rise but the people will live happily with out any diseases. Cows will give abundant milk.


If Mars becomes the Chief of Army, people will face many problems. Because of scanty rainfall, crops will not grow much. Kings will fight with each other. There will not be any peace in the country.


If Mercury becomes the Chief of Army, there will not be surety of rainfall. However agricultural production will be more. Male and female will be fond of sexual happiness.


If Jupiter becomes the Chief of Army, the Brahmins will show interest in religious deeds and performing Yagas. Kings also follow them in this regard. People will be healthy and happy. People will worship God and perform many celebrations.


If Venus becomes the Chief of Army, there will be scanty rainfall in the country. Prices will rise. Male and female will be fond of sexual happiness.



If Saturn becomes the Chief of Army, the kings will be following wrong path and performing Paapa Karmas. Kings will not have sufficient defense force to protect themselves. People will be performing sinful deeds and always quarreling among themselves.





If Sun becomes the lord of crops, there will be high yield of wheat, paddy, horse gram Bengal gram and other grains.


If Moon becomes the Lord of the crops, there will be abundant production of watery crops. Trees and crops will grow much.


If Mars becomes the lord of the Crops, there will be high yield of all food grains and other crops. Red soil lands will give more crops.


If Mercury becomes the lord of the crops, there will be fewer rains and fewer crops. Speedy winds will shatter the clouds. People will be having fear.


If Jupiter is the lord of the crops, there will be good crops of Yava, wheat and Bengal grams. Yellow soil will be fertile.


If Venus becomes the lord of the Crops, wet and dry lands will be fertile and give good crops. Pale colored soil will be more fertile.


If Saturn becomes the Lord of the crops, there will be more yield of zingelly seeds, black grams horse grams when compared to other food grains. Black soil will be more fertile.





If Sun becomes the lord of the grains, there will be medium rains, in the country. The yield of the crops will be low and where as the prices rise for all commodities. People live under constant fear. Red colour crops will flourish.


If Moon becomes the lord of grains, cows will give abundant milk to the satisfaction of the people. They will be hale and healthy. Country develops and there will be more rains.


If Mars becomes the lord of the grains, thorny crops flourish. The yield of other crops will be much lower. Red soil gives good crops.



If Mercury becomes the lord of the grains, medium rains and low yield of crops are indicated. Speedy winds chase the clouds depriving the people to have sufficient rains. Kings live in fear.



If Jupiter becomes the lord of the grains, cows give abundant milk to the satisfaction of the people. The will be hale and healthy. There will be growth in the country. There will be more crops.


If Venus becomes the lord of the grains, agriculture develops to the satisfaction of the people. People will be healthy. There will be growth in the country. There will be more crops.


If Saturn becomes the lord of the grains, the yield of small grains will be more and black soil will give more agricultural produce.




If Sun becomes the Arghadhipathi, there will be fewer rains. Prices will also come down. People suffer from hunger and thirst and kings will be angry at each other.


If Moon becomes the Arghadhipathi, there will be good rains followed by abundant crops. However, people have to pay high prices.


If Mars becomes the Arghadhipathi, there will be less rains with winds. There will be fewer rains and less crops. The health of the people also will not be good in some places.


There will be more rains, more crops and high prices when Mercury becomes the Arghadhipath. Pashandas, magicians, hypnotists, jokers will be laughed at. The others will not be laughed at.


If Jupiter happens to be the Arghadhipathi, there will be happiness everywhere in the country. Earth becomes the store house of food grains and wealth. People will live in happiness and contentment. There will be some auspiciouos celebrations and functions every day.


If Venus becomes the Arghadhipathi, rains congenial to the crops can be expected. Timely rains promise bumper crops. There will be abundant growth of white grains in the country. The land will be fertile.


If Saturn becomes the Arghadhipath, the yield of black coloured grains and black grams will be high. The black soil will be fertile.




If Sun becomes the lord of clouds, there may be rains elsewhere in the country than at the places of requirement. People live in constant fear. The yield of the crops will be low; however, red soils will yield good crops.




If Moon becomes the lord of the clouds, there will be good rains all over the country followed by crops. Cows give abundant milk.


If Mars becomes the Meghadhipathi, there will be gales, winds with high velocity with less rainfall. However, red crops flourish. People prefer red soil for cultivation.


If Mercury becomes the lord of clouds, clouds will burst with thunder with speedy winds followed by thunderbolts here and there. Good rains are promised but the people of the middle part of the country will get more benefits than the rest.


If Jupiter becomes the lords of the clouds, there will be good crops, prices and rains. People will be free from fear of diseases.


If Venus becomes the lord of clouds, good crops and rains are possible. Cows give immense milk.


If Saturn becomes lord of clouds, there will be scanty rainfall followed by fewer crops. There will be good yield of black crops.





If Sun becomes the Rasadhipathi, the prices of oils, jaggary, salt etc. come down.


If Moon becomes the Rasadhipathi, the prices of oils, jaggary, sugar, curds etc. will increase and people will be healthy.


If Mars becomes the Rasadhipathi, the prices od silver, salt, sarpi, oils and jaggary etc will come down.


If Mercury becomes the rasadhipathi, Magadhi, Malathi, Jaaji, camphor, guggilam, jaggary etc. flourish.


If Jupiter becomes the Rasadhipathi, all crops grow in abundance. All kinds of plants grow and yield fruits. People will be healthy and happy.


If Venus becomes the Rasadhipathi, all alkali materials, underground stems (roots) grow much in abundance. They will be in constant demand.



If Saturn becomes the Rasadhipathi, the prices of oils, ghee and other commodities will rise.






If Sun becomes Neerasadhipathi, the exploration and utilization of copper, pearls, diamonds, rubies and other precious stones will increase.


The prices of precious metal gold, bronze, silver, pearls, ornaments and cloths will rise up. However people will be under some kind of fear.


If Mars becomes Neerasadhipathi, the exploration and utilization of copper, kasturi, red sandal, corals, gold, kumkum, turmeric and other red objects will increase. These will be in much demand.


If Mercury becomes Neerasadhipathi, precious stones like Emerald and other precious stones will be available in plenty.


If Jupiter becomes Neerasadhipathi, all kinds of precious stones will be available in plenty. Betel nuts, gold, skin, flowers and sandal will be made available easy to the people. Their production increases.


If Venus becomes the Neerasadhipathi, camphor, sandal, gold, pearls will be available in plenty.


If Saturn becomes Neerasdhipathi, the production and availability of horns, skins, meat and iron pots will be much.




There are three states (Avastas) for us. They are Jagrath, Swapna and Sushupta states.

In first state the person will be aware of the environment and nature. In the second state the person will be getting dreams in sleep. In the third state the person will have good sleep without any dreams. There is one more state called “Tureeam”, Samaadhi.

The first three states cover the experiences of a person in the physical existence.



The causes of dreams are many and mainly depend upon the physical and mental states. The dreams may be due to the experience in the Jaagrath Avasta or due to the unfulfilled desires buried in the mind.

Bad dreams are generally seen in fever or acute pain. Dreams are induced by external objects also. Unfavourable and dirty atmosphere can cause bad dreams. At the time of sleep sweet sounds give sweet dreams. Distrubed mind can also cause bad dreams.

Freud says that lust, hatred, desire, jealousy and other disturbed feelings can also bring dreams.

Mr.C.G.Jung, a psychologist of the west says that Dreams are not mere embodiment of suppressed wishes and fears but they convey much more.


When man sleeps at night for rest or for the digestion of food, sense organs merge with the mind. Mental experiences without the sense objects constitute dreams. Thus Dreams are experiences of man in sleep where there is no feeling of his physical existence.


As per Charaka samhita, the dreams are of seven types.


“Dhrishtam Shrutaanubhootam cha Praardhitam kalpitam tathaa

Bhaavajam doshajam chaiva swapnam saptavidham vidhuhu ”


  1. Seen by eyes
  2. Heard by ears
  3. Experienced by other sense organs
  4. Desired ones
  5. Imagined by mind
  6. indicators of good or events that are to take place &
  7. Arising out of humours , Vaata (wind), Pitha (Bile) and Kapha (Phlegm)


There is a mention of bad and good dreams in Puranas and Aurvedic literature.


Use of dreams in Aurveda:

Dreams occur due to varience in humours Vaata, Pitha and Kapha ( wind, Bile and Phlegm). The detection of the afflicted humour can be identified by the dream a person got.

A person afflicted Vaata (Wind) dreams black colour, winds and walking on clouds.

A person afflicted by Pitha (Bile) dreams bright things like fire, gold, Sun, flames etc.

A person afflicted by Kapha dreams watery things, rivers, ocean, snowy mountains.



  1. Dreams seen in the first part of the night will come into effect with in one year.
  2. Dreams seen in the 2nd part of the night will fructify within six months
  3. Dreams seen in the 3rd part of the night will fructify within 3 months
  4. Dreams seen in 4th part of the night will fructify within 15 days
  5. Dreams seen at dawn will fructify within 10 days                                                REMEDIAL MEASURES:If bad dreams are seen, they should not be mentioned to anyone. The person should sleep again or take bath. Prayers to Vishnu or Shiva or Ganesha or Aditya are to be offered.

Donation of Black gram, Til, iron, gold also give good results. Chanting of Purushasooktam or Gayatri Mantram gives good results