Remedies for Bad dreams

1) Fitkari or alum
Keep a packet of fitkari or alum under your pillow if you wish to have a peaceful, dreamless sleep. Not just in Oriental culture, but in Western too, this substance is considered to diffuse bad and distressing energy.
You can do this for a week and then burn that alum. This ancient tip is also believed to remove an evil eye.
2). Keep fennel seeds in white cloth and keep under your pillow. This is astrological remedy for Rahu .
3). Put Clove of Gralic under your Pillow.
4) Keep your feet in the north and head in the south while sleeping
5) Dust your pillow well before sleeping to wring out negative energy that may have gathered on it during the day.
6) Wash your feet with lukewarm water and apply coconut oil mixed with camphor on heels. This will relieve fatigue.

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